The complete guide to proper foods before and after exercise

Dear reader, I know that the exercise, the stomach is empty Bsaha

Teaches people to the importance of the role that is with us, because the obligation to the foundations of healthy living and including adequate food and psychological motivation and physical activity and helps solve the problem of excessive weight loss, we find that most be surprise when you discover that some components of foods that are consumed after exercise has a real impact the process of weight loss and blocking the way in which the digestion of fats after a workout.

And to teach professional athletes of the importance of eating a lot of fast carbohydrate burn before exercise or competition to provide energy, on the basis of a study published by the journal (Applied Physiology), supplementation establishes that a person must be processed foods contain a low-carb after aerobics for improve sensitivity to insulin and the activation of the process the fat storage and the Elimination of the ideal form.

When you eat?
Dear reader, I know that the exercise, the stomach is full, not Bsaha, which is still food Bmadtk this period may cause pain, cramps, nausea and causes.

To ensure that it has enough energy to reduce stomach pains, and you must be authorized for food that is completely digested before the start of the year and take the public 1 hour and four hours, where and how much depends on the quality of the food it consumes.

And different to each person on the quality of food and determine what it fits what don't you and if you exercise the morning sports must get up early enough to eat their food in the morning, but if not, it will look for a morning trying to eat the food or drink is easy to digest before exercise 20-30 minutes where he was the most time between exercise and food soon whenever it should reduce the amount of this food.

It is better to eat a liquid meal instead of solid foods because your stomach to digest liquid food more quickly.
What is eaten preferably before exercise?

Because glucose is the energy source preferred for most exercises, so it must contain the meal preceding the exercise in foodstuffs with a high proportion of easily digestible carbohydrates, these foods are as follows:
-Energy drinks.
-Candy provides power.


Planning is important if you are involved in competitive sport throughout the day as more competition or execution.
And planning determine the appropriate time will be spent, how much and with the quality of the food, which is discussed, and energy necessary to complete this exercise.

You must also be aware of the amount of fluid that Ststhlkha, if necessary to the Organization and the good preparation of the meals and the basic directional light and get to know what fits perfectly and make sure you do not try new things.
If the food before exercise, or one hour less than the best for you, the following foods:

Fresh fruit, such as:
-Water melon.

-Food gels fed and about a cup and a half of sports drinks.
If you eat food before exercising two or three hours:

-The bread or pasta.
-L' water.

If the food before you exercise three to four hours to consume the following:

-Pasta with tomato sauce.
-Baked potatoes.
-Candy energy.
-Roast with a bit of Aalsudana and lean meat or cheese peanut butter.

-L' water.
Sugar and athletic performance:

Evidence suggests that consumption of sugar before exercise of 35-40 minutes saves so low energy, or a decrease in the levels of stored energy.

Caffeine and athletic performance:
Caffeine acts as a stimulant of the central nervous system, and many believed that it stimulates the resistance through the revitalization of the increase in consumption of fat for energy, which maintains muscle glycogen.

However, no scientific research supports this theory, because caffeine enhances endurance when made through his work as an alarm.

Caffeine and the serious side effects of people, and these are the people at risk of anaphylaxis which are considered sensitive to nausea, muscle tremors and headaches.

I know that a lot of caffeine, a diuretic, which can give rise to with it


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