5 steps to help you reduce your appetite

Gluttony is eating the most important causal factors for obesity and weight gain in children and adults, and most diets focus on reducing the amount of food to get a body curvaceous in record time .

And many obese people fail to get rid of excess weight due to their inability to control the frantic desire to eat, and the site offers Omenz Dai and some practical tips that help her.

1 - Eat protein and potassium in the breakfast
Help integrated in the morning to avoid overeating during the day, and research has shown that protein and potassium of the most important nutrients that help because they provide the body with the necessary energy more meals it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time .

2 - Green Tea
Research has shown that the caffeine in green tea help relieve the desire to eat , in addition to the fluid that fills the stomach and gives a feeling of satiety for a period of time, and try to eat a cup of green tea after each meal.

3 - Add the spicy food and authorities
A study by the University of Bordeaux French that the addition of certain amounts of hot spices to food helps curb your appetite and eat less food , but you must add these spices in reasonable quantities to preserve digestive health .

4 - lots of vegetables
Doctors recommend eating large amounts of vegetables and non-starchy foods, which is characterized by a high proportion of fibers in addition to the amount they contain fewer calories.

5 - Marche
In addition to the important role of exercise to burn fat , it helps to distract from eating , doctors are encouraged to exercise by walking for 45 minutes a day at least .


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