The impact of diet and health


Our food in immediate danger, and you have to look at the younger generation, and display the percentage of obesity in childhood and adolescence and youth , and the consequences of the disease, obesity as diabetes mellitus , atherosclerosis and high cholesterol , hypertension , gout .. And other diseases .
We saw in the first age of heart disease and stroke flowers develop Kalzbhh thoracic artery and what happened before . So what happened?

These problems are due to several reasons , namely:

- Burst in our lives, "fast food" and these meals are all complex carbohydrates and saturated fats and salt and its corollary is the disease of obesity referenced above.
- Our children away from physical activity and most of the day sitting at the computer and "net" .
- Do not have a strategic plan to draw a life of food for our people.

Calories that enter our body proteins and carbohydrates ( simple and complex) and fat (saturated and unsaturated ) Vitamins and Minerals Water contains no calories.

- Simple carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables and honey.
- Complex carbohydrates are sugar , flour , rice and pasta.
- Saturated fat : the fat from meat and cream , butter and ghee.
- Unsaturated fats are fatty fish (fish oil ) and olive oil. Ie containing "omega - 3 " They prevent the deposition of cholesterol on artery walls .

If calories from protein roasted or boiled , and simple carbohydrates , not obesity and diseases become infected, provided they are consumed in moderation
For dietary rules , and the rules of this science , taken in our religion, and I will quote some of the words of the Prophet peace be upon him, in which the rules of nutrition, I'm talking about :
" We are a people who eat even starve, and if we were not satisfactory. "

( Or so he says) . "House of diseases of the stomach "

( Or so he says) : " What the son of Adam fills the pot never worse than his stomach. "

( Or so he says) : " Oh boy cm in front of God and all that and all lacquered and each food. "

Discussion that tells us if we ate two-thirds of the air and two-thirds water and two-thirds of the food.
These conversations are the basis of the culture of adequate food , does not need an explanation and is quite clear.

But I'll explain how you can plan for maternal nutrition to gain generations do not suffer physically correct , which is now suffering generations of obesity and related accessories.

People do not have 150 grams of protein per day , and obtained from animal protein and milk protein , eggs and legumes.

And see when we eat animal proteins in our country are enough Is it 150 grams, which represents a slice from KKV ? Or eat red meat and poultry and fish in quantities not needed by the body , but the increase of the amount needed to get big , please note that the developed world when it goes on head of the family to buy a piece of meat that is purchased for each family member . As you Venstrae kilo or condoms? . This led to the appearance of the drop .. (Increase of uric acid in the blood)

Or what is called the " disease of kings ", even in our poor country economically and drop directly leads to kidney damage .

If I ate meat today do not eat vegetables, and vice versa , and not increase our cheese and eggs with meat and beans, and exotic foods our PIdPS eating eggs and bread on top meat , so you should watch what you eat!

Complex carbohydrates such as flour and wheat, as we see, is the problem of our country, the exact mouth saliva food turns into sugar , which increases the level of blood sugar in patients with diabetes seriously Kalhloyat completely. The man who does not suffer from this disease , which leads directly to obesity, and see gather around the plugs to find all obese pan with half a loaf of bread in the food good enough to become carbohydrates per capita complex a day, but because there is a misconception that bread fills the hungry, because we used to eat as much satiety , so that poorer countries do not want to stop eating until that Atkhm that , and of course the level of affordable , do not stop until Atkhm knows, and this prevents the hadith on the basis of nutrition, " third water and one-third air , and a third of the food . "

Poor eating habits

How to eat and what to eat ? Is the question that people's health , and if we ate meat cooked with butter and oil should not eat their fries in oil , as it is harmful fat in fat and increase blood cholesterol , but you can eat the fried meat with vegetables and onions and boil if starches rice or boiled noodles with a small amount .
Do not eat between meals, but drinking water , tea and coffee sweetened with honey or sugar substitutes .

You must be a fruit meal if it becomes independent of fruits dinner was the best meal , because it leads to sleep at night and not feel Baltkhmh and protect against GERD. or spot
Fruit directly after lunch, which leads to confusion digestion ( dyspepsia) , and a feeling of bloating and gas , and enough to eat one meal a week of sweet and warns diabetic patients as possible.

Carbonated water, poses real cm glucose leads to obesity and indigestion , and the fresh juices and much more .

The water and fish :
You should drink plenty of water and juice , which are very useful for skin urology and gives freshness and human feeling with a high degree of satiety.

Grilled and boiled fish is the best and most digestible health benefits of animal protein and fat , fish are very useful in the treatment of cholesterol, but should refrain from eating fish eggs very little except insofar as the state of health.

If meal consisting of a piece of protein ( animal meat , dairy products, legumes) and a piece of bread or five tablespoons of rice or boiled noodles and lots of fresh vegetables , cooked or grilled , salads and fruits, and it is a complete healthy meal.

It should be clear to those who plan to feed our country to be fruits and vegetables , as well as any element of protein (meat or vegetables or dairy products) is the staple food , no sugar, flour, and margarine oils , these elements are not needed by the body , but as low as possible.


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