Cabbage and potatoes contribute to weight loss

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There are some vegetables are touted as weight increases , and considers it one of the enemies of everyone's diet , and come out on top , " potatoes ," as well as " cabbage " , while the food modern research has proven the opposite.

Stresses Dr. Tiffany Raeford , Consultant Clinical Nutrition : potatoes, one of the unsung heroes in getting rid of fat , as they contain calories low.

Dr. Tiffany adds that potatoes contain carotenoids , which help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance , which makes the cells more responsive to insulin , and this could eventually help to lose weight .

Explains Dr. Tiffany that cabbage vegetables that contain a low-calorie , and who they can strengthen the immune system to carry out the metabolism faster and healthily .
Advises Dr. Tiffany eating a dish of cabbage , which contains a lot of fiber , which can reduce the body's absorption of calories and carbohydrates.

Contain nuts or " walnuts " the omega -3 fatty acids , which are elements of the health of the heart .
According to Dr. Tiffany studies that prove the benefits of the blood vessels , in terms of assisting them in lowering "bad" cholesterol , and it also helps in getting rid of belly fat , and to accelerate the process of burning fat , by eating a handful daily .


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