Although more fat accumulates in the buttocks and thighs, but studies suggest that the accumulated fat in the abdomen is the most dangerous, which lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, syndrome insulin resistance, heart disease, scientists believe that the increase in the width of the size can be a key indicator of the presence of problems underlying health.
Studies show that gallstones frequently inflammation in obese people, especially women with recurrent abortions, and when people living with "rumen" due to the increase of estrogen, a hormone that helps increase blood cholesterol , which leads to deposition on the wall of the gallbladder, causing inflammation and the formation of gallstones.
In people with "rumen" accumulate fat in the thoracic cavity, and the web and under the barrier, which prevents movement of the expansion of the lungs, and reduce the movement of the lower membrane they receive air, considerably ..
Some research has shown a link between obesity, especially abdominal obesity, "belly" and infertility in women, it was found that there is an increased accumulation of fat around the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which affects the process of ovulation and reproduction.
You know and you know the reason
The problem of accumulation of fat around the stomach or rumen, or return to organic defect or genetic reasons or erratic behavior, and we'll start with the practices that lead to inflammation of the stomach and visibility, including:
1 - fatty foods and excess calories.
Diseases of the Colon and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.
2 - swallowing air while eating as a result of eating quickly
3 - smoking rates.
4-1 good meals a day.
5 to 1 sleep after eating.
6 - excessive consumption of pulses that cause swelling.
7 - Do not exercise regularly.
8 - laziness, lethargy and lack of exercise and sleep, especially after meals, especially at night.
9 - Failure to provide a healthy diet during pregnancy.
It is known that the proportion of fat in the body of a woman is twice the fat in the human body, and this fat is the source of rumen, where they make up almost the liver and the digestive system and propagate in veins in the abdomen because of the effect of the hormone insulin and therefore to increase the proportion of sugar in the blood and become large and especially with the increase of bad habits and eating sweets and strutting notes that whenever a luxury chocolate more calories.
Types of abdominal obesity
Abdominal obesity is divided into four types:
The first type: the rumen muscle:
The problem occurs in the muscles of the abdomen, which is made as a result of an imbalance in the use of private individuals for the use of the motor has been used, for example, shoulder muscles and arm only for work not move your waist while sitting in the office all day or in front of the steering wheel in such a dilatation of the abdominal muscles occurs and increases the size of marbles.
Type II: the collapse of the rumen:
It occurs as a result of the use musculorum only the center of the abdomen The result is sagging and the appearance of the abdomen, and this type also occur after surgery in the abdomen, such the hernia surgery leading to the abdomen and relaxation of muscles and lazy and complacent and therefore increases its size needs more rights for food and drink plenty Vtaatersb sagging fat and obesity occur, leading to the appearance of the body is flabby with cellulite layer in some cases.
The third type: the swollen belly:
Karsh is like a balloon, and occurs as a result of human extravagance eating and drinking far above the need of the body,
This excess energy is produced as a result of injury to the person suffering from depression or anxiety or stress human eats greedily taking and try to get out of these concerns the origin of the stress and anxiety, and also happens Happy man sharpens the appetite optimistic result after the release of his passions and emotions so it is also large quantities of food and drink, obesity has even taken place and therefore shows the rumen.
Type IV: hormone rumen:
It should be noted that this form of rumen winding and looks like orange peel, and occurs when disturbed the action of hormones in the human body
And increases the secretion of cortisone to prevent the distribution of areas of fat and adrenal different parts of the body, leading to an increase in abdominal fat, and only when men, while for women fat often accumulates in the bottom abdomen
And accompanied by obesity in the thighs, buttocks and take these forms of obesity is a regular in these parts.
Lies ... I was told that save you from the rumen
= Sauna and steam rooms that feature in the rumen hours
Not for the active role sauna or in the treatment of rumen or lose weight, and what happens to the injured person Erh lose kilo Chubby E.
Lee two body fluids through sweat and lose fat, and at the end of this bathroom, agreed to drink water frequently to replenish the body weight of the original water Vistaid again. These baths can lead to complications, such as infection or kidney Bhsaat clots in the coronary arteries.
= Process massage and massage melts the fat rumen
Process massage or massage belly destroyed, it is one that makes an effort, but not fat grams Girishk you make any effort or movement in the massage process is lost.
= Belt use vibrators or abdominal circumference rid of belly fat
Many belts announced the invitation melt belly fat, and the rumen is clearly reduced a few days, and all that has no scientific basis, and most slimming experts caution against the use of these bands process loss of the body, and considers that this is a lie, and say that it is not for these belts no effect on getting rid of the body, it is shown that the belt side effects in the respiratory and digestive systems may eventually lead to muscle atrophy.
= Drinking water before bedtime leads to rumen
The water has no price value of calories, and eat any amount not lead to the appearance of the stomach or empty stomach before bedtime, but the excess water before meals against reduced appetite and eating reduces the amount of food intake helps to get rid of the belly.
= The use of laxatives and paraffin oil rumen cure obesity
No drugs for these laxatives or paraffin oil no role in the elimination of obesity or belly, and what these drugs because they can cause diarrhea body loses a large part of the water and important nutrients, relieve body weight, believes that the person in that and the weight has been reduced, but it was a false weights and soon returned to the original weight once you drink water. In fact, for most of these laxatives complications include loss of bodily fluids, which ultimately leads to drought, and lead to malabsorption.
= Use special soaps for the treatment of obesity and rumen
Myth .. Everything that this soap in the shower, the body loses large amounts of water weight temporarily, but once a person is thirsty, resulting in large amounts of water back to the weight of the new growth, I warned that most experts using this soap, especially for people with heart and circulatory disease
To get rid of abdominal obesity
The best and easiest ways to get rid of belly are:
First, you must continually return of prayer, where a person can burn 580 calories, at least, God Almighty and the Prophet peace be upon him, not only tells us the controls and to the benefit of human beings spiritual and health
Second, immediately begin to change and replace the bad habits of eating habits of a new sound and correct based on the integration of the pillars of power, which is the construction of the human body such as sugars, proteins and carbohydrates carbon and fat intake is avoided and fiber intake of at least 40-60% of the feed.
Third: Be careful and make sure that:
1 - Eat "grapefruit" before eating reduces hunger.
2 - Getting Started with authorities to eating green food vinegar Mlakta added which gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.
3 - Make sure you eat foods rich in fiber, chewing longer needed, reducing hunger and reduce the incidence of constipation.
4 - Reduce the amount of salt in food abundance because I avoid putting excess fluid in the body that increases your size, keep in mind that the body does not need more a teaspoon of salt per day, "4 grams."
5 -. Valley eats 3 times a week for best results and help reduce "belly" because it contains bacteria "Cidovals Allambrobasils" leading to ferment milk also contains "lactase" digester sugar "lactose" button in the milk enzyme, which is the enzyme loses 85% of adults, especially in the Arab and African peoples, and cause deficiency poor digestion and intestinal problems and bloating.
The study also noted that the. Valle increases Kdrhalgesm to burn excess fat, which makes him lose that fat and maintain muscle.
Months of diet programs to eliminate abdominal obesity
2 fruits variety of fruits (except figs, raisins, dates, bananas and mango) and preferably a glass of grapefruit juice or orange + liquid tea or coffee or soda water or unsweetened lemon.
- _khasra Salad.
- 4 tablespoons of boiled vegetables.
- Beef or chicken grilled quarter, boiled or grilled fish 2 or a can of tuna "oil".
- Option Valley, or 3 tablespoons lemon beans, or egg, or a piece of cheese with tomatoes ..
- With a slice of toast or a quarter of bread.
Fourth: Drink three cups of water before meals, the stomach is full and reduced lunch, and no calories. And do not drink cold liquids with or immediately after a meal
Fifth: We recommend using a belt around the abdomen to reduce the size of the stomach (from the outside instead of repackaging the reconditioning process of the stomach) and exercises, belly and strengthen your back and flatten your body attention and retain the shape of textures.
Sixth, eat slowly for twenty minutes Vschar satiety quickly to fill the stomach without much food because fast food fills the stomach a lot of food before feeling full.
Seventh, you must adhere to exercise, it is possible that the abdominal muscles are weak and should be strengthened. You can in this sense, the use of home appliances to make huge following. In addition to walking, to walk 10 km to burn 800 calories, this is the sport that can permanently remove the rumen
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