Around an effective medicament for the treatment of rumen

It is an effective drug for the treatment of rumen called Walking

There is no excuse for owners of laziness and lethargy, which can not go to sports clubs to practice different exercises, there are sport a perfect calm and do not cost money and are considered very useful health of the body and release the fat in different areas, including the rumen and known as the sport of racing sport:

We think it is well known that walking increases the body to burn excess fat and thus rid of the fat that lies above the stomach, we find walking the body loses about 200 calories per hour and increases increase the value of the running speed and the time.
As we are made for walking great benefit can not be denied to strengthen the abdominal muscles and get rid of the skin and muscle Atralat in this region and to strengthen the thigh muscles, and walking is useful in the treatment of complications associated stomach, like high blood pressure and increased cholesterol.

But there are many qualities should be available in the sport of walking can even get rid of the belly.

1 - to practice walking without stopping when necessary Kalahsas very tired and could not continue.
2 - not be in Calgary with slow weapons, unlike the movement of the feet.
3 - return, widow walking so as not to cause leading in the abdominal area.
4 - that touches the ground before taking your fingers and heels.
5 - To be on a regular basis .. Duration increases gradually.

On the right time for walking:

Any wandering an empty stomach and food during the process is full of food to be active in the area of ​​movement of the gastrointestinal tract and reverse harm or benefit here.
And so it is advisable to exercise this sport at dawn or three hours after eating.
Walking like medicine and be useful if used in a timely and appropriate Bjrath entered.
But after forty years and the people who complain about certain diseases and have to walk slowly to feel tired when they stop and rest, it is best to consult a doctor.
Jogging preferably every day, and if not, should not be less than three times per week.
Note that the impact of sport and walking spans two days after a practice in which the muscle after the sport remains in the case of constriction, which increases the rate of fat burning.
Knowing that walking at a moderate pace body loses about 300 calories per hour and walk quickly lose 350 calories.

Causes large abdominal

Four groups involving the muscles of the abdominal wall, smooth muscle is relatively low, however, has several important functions, which protects and supports and includes members who are in the abdominal cavity and helps save the basin in an appropriate manner.
Abdominal muscles with the back muscles, helps maintain the state of vertical erection.
These muscles weaken and relax and shorten by several things, the most important laziness and lethargy and progress of age and poor diet and to strengthen and improve because of the activity and habits exercise, but not enough exercise or two, but an integrated exercise program for breast, back, abdomen, and left the bad eating habits is necessary.
And the large abdominal spoke several health problems, in particular the fact that back pain is aligned lumbar vertebrae and an increased tendency is due to the large belly.
And various reasons and entanglement whole problem, the problem of the large abdomen, namely:

1 - common fat in the anterior wall of the abdomen and weakness of the muscles of the abdomen and back.
2 - Lack of movement and lethargy and sleep too much and sit and relax and laziness.
3 - air intake for drinks and food because of the urgency of food, which leads to the large amount of gas in the stomach and intestines.
4 to 1 sleep after dinner and does not directly regulate meals.
5 - and hookahs, which leads to the common air inlet.
6 - frequently drink soft drinks, water and beer, especially during lunch.
7 - Focus on a big meal a day and other meals abundant negligence.
August - keep frequent feeding and not chewing food and emergency room.
9-1 a lot of starchy and sugary and fatty.
10 - The presence of stress or anxiety leads to overeating and eating a lot.
11 - Diseases of the colon and the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
12 - frequent lifting heavy objects lead to a fall hazard in the abdomen and intestines.
13 - Random nutrition for pregnant women and lack of exercise during pregnancy and after birth.
14 - old age, leading to muscle weakness and internal organs.
15 - the deposit of fat in the abdominal viscera, which increases the size of the stomach and intestines.

اسباب الكرش, العلاج من الكرش,الكرش و طرق التخلص منه 178997.png

The treatment of large abdominal

- Do not use soft bedding, mattresses frequently during sleep, because it weakens the muscles of the abdomen and the back arched.
- Your knees should be at the highest level of the center of the body, "pelvis" when you're sitting in a chair.
- You need to do breathing exercises and relaxation. - Need to walk after dinner and warns against sleep immediately after eating.
- Need to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the thigh and abdomen and back Zhar.
- Pull the abdominal muscles each time with expiration and everywhere, improving the texture.
- Improved textures is very important to get rid of abdominal and high standing in the way, moderate and close to whoa rear wall, the wall must contact the following parts: the heel, dizziness, shoulders, the back of head.
- Follow the diet tips Todahaha following:
Need to be careful not to sleep on your stomach is one of the worst habits have warned that the Prophet peace be upon him.
Return to a moderate position.

Reasons rumen treatment rumen, rumen and how to get rid of it

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